Do you love to mix ingredients, bake, and them smell the fresh aroma of cookies, cakes or pies out of the oven? I know we do at the Thompson household. If any of you enjoy baking as much as we do, please bring your delicious treats to the WELCA bake sale on
November 21. We would appreciate it if you brought your baked contributions to our sale table before the service that morning.
While WELCA appreciates your donated treats, baked contributions are not necessary! Simply consider supporting our organization by purchasing a donated dessert for Sunday dinner or Thanksgiving. All collected funds allow our organization to continue its
mission work globally and in the community. We currently support the food pantry at First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mesa, the I-HELP program and God’s Global Barnyard/ELCA Good Gifts. As you take a bite into a sumptuous pie know you are helping us do God’s work.