Symbols of Presence Virtual Weekly Advent Program Symbols of Presence: A virtual weekly program from Spirit in the Desert during the season of Advent that helps participants prepare to receive the Best. Gift. Ever. The program is FREE, register on our calendar pages. November 30: Week 1: Fig Tree / Await December 7: Week 2: Zechariah / Accept December 14: Week 3: Stone / Allow December 21: Week 4: Mary / Attend By BLCadmin|2021-12-20T09:59:05-07:00November 19th, 2021|General Info|Comments Off on Symbols of Presence Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail About the Author: BLCadmin Related Posts Watch “Healing on the Sabbath” video Watch “Healing on the Sabbath” video Girl Scout Cookies Girl Scout Cookies Lutheran Day at the Legislature Lutheran Day at the Legislature Healing on the Sabbath Healing on the Sabbath Women’s Retreat Women’s Retreat