From the Welcoming Committee
Pastor John has announced his retirement “how many times?” I have no idea, but I suspect this is his third announcement of retirement. But, perhaps I am incorrect; it may be more times than that.
I think that all of us at Bethlehem are in agreement with one thing. We have been truly blessed to have Pastor John as our interim pastor. Pastor John has blessed us with one full year of service which is an amazing gift. He ministered to our congregation through the Covid-19 pandemic which included Vimeo, parking lot services and finally in person worship as we have now. During this time, we continued to receive His Word for our lives and celebrated the Sacraments. We made plans for our ministry and preparations to receive a new pastor. Pastor John continues to guide us through the completion of the transition process until all things are brought to fulfillment according to His will. There are always those last minute details that still need to be addressed before the new pastor arrives.
Please let Pastor John know what a blessing he has been to us as well as to others. There will be a basket in the sanctuary in the coming weeks for you to show your appreciation to Pastor John. The basket will remain in the sanctuary for several weeks before Pastor John “officially” retires. Also in honor of his retirement, the congregation is having one of our famous potlucks after church on August 8 and you are all invited. We will celebrate Pastor and Chris on his last Sunday to preach, August 22, with hospitality in the Fellowship Hall after worship, like old times. If you are away for summer vacationing or not able to come to church and you worship with us via Vimeo, but you would like to show your appreciation to Pastor John, you may send your cards and gifts to the church. The church’s address is:
2745 North 32 nd Street
Mesa, AZ 85213-1810
We are a home to share God’s love and grace.