We will be celebrating Jesus’ Baptism, and giving thanks for our own baptisms on Sunday, January 8th! Please join us for worship that day as we celebrate being a part of God’s family and our youth receive their Baptism stone for their Faith Milestone boxes. Plan to stay for a bit after worship for a time of fellowship and sharing stories of our own faith journeys, as well as a baptism activity and a delicious lunch including pulled pork sandwiches and sloppy joe’s.

All are invited to share stories of our faith through conversations over lunch and/or by bringing in any special heirlooms or mementos tied to your faith journey (i.e. family Bible, baptism gowns, pictures, etc.). We will also be recognizing our baptismal anniversaries in addition to our birthdays and anniversaries starting this year, so please share those dates with the church office as you are able.