Question: How long does it take to call a new pastor?
Answer: It takes as long as it takes.
I get ‘antsy’ and want to just “get ‘er done!” But it’s not about me. It’s not at all about me. It’s about working a well-defined process to find that pastor that God has called for Bethlehem, and prayer for the process and people involved.
When I look back, it seems so long since this process began; when I look at our progress and all the places Murphy’s law could have applied, I realize that, through the work of everyone from the Bishop, Pastor Pat Reed (our coach), Pastor John and the energetic help of your Call Committee, I am satisfied that our current state has actually exceeded expectations. This I can only ascribe to your prayers and the help of the Holy Spirit. I have to remind myself that this process is truly in God’s hands and will come to fruition in God’s good time. When I see BLC Council’s unfettered willingness to work with your Call Committee and a vigorous Welcoming Committee preparing for our new Pastor, I realize that this is God-driven and will succeed.
It’s all in God’s good time my Friends, Brothers and Sisters.
Your Call Committee has put forward one pastor for Council’s consideration.
Please continue to pray for this process.
Your Call Committee:
Ray Stasko, Xavier Gonzales, Anna Duncan, Steven Rye, Jim Thompson