You may know that Bethlehem Lutheran Church is a Stephen Ministry Congregation. What does this mean? Bethlehem has a ministry that has trained and organized some of our members to provide quality care and extend the caring ministry of our Pastor. Our Stephen Ministry leaders have attended an intensive Leaders Training Course learning how to organize and direct Stephen Ministry here at Bethlehem. Please keep them and all the Stephen Ministers in your prayers as they lay a strong foundation for this ministry. Keep your eyes, ears and hearts open for more news about our Stephen Ministry programs.
If you are a trained Stephen minister, please contact Don Teply. Even if you are not interested in having a care receiver, we would like to know who has been trained. We are also looking at the possibility of joining other churches in the area for a class to train additional Stephen Ministers. If you, or anyone you know, would be interested in attending this training class, please contact Don Teply.