Calling all women of Bethlehem Lutheran Church . . .

Fellow sisters in Christ . . . what a year 2020 was!
Instead of sharing of the peace, virtual hugs became the new norm. Do you miss not being able to talk with your fellow sisters in Christ? Do you just want someone to talk to and listen? Are you feeling under the weather, lonely, depressed, anxious, sad? During the 2020 global pandemic, BLC started its first BLC Ladies Chat. This is open to ALL ladies of Bethlehem Lutheran Church, including our winter visitors. One of the blessings of Zoom is that it has no physical boundaries.
BLC Ladies Chat continues to meet on Saturdays at 10 a.m. If you are interested, please phone, email or text Ellie Thompson.
If you have not done Zoom before, do NOT let that
stop you. I will be glad to help you get started.