“Many have asked about the progress on our facility repair issues. Council authorized Terry Kahl to obtain a professional assessment of what needs to be done along with a bid. This has been completed.

The total cost to repair everything is $26,739. Noah’s Ark’s piece (a new roof) is $14,792 with the balance of $11,767 applicable to BLC. Council authorized Terry to proceed with accepting the bid and planning the work. The contract calls for 30% down, which is $8,022, and is due very soon.

Several have approached me and others and stated they are prepared to donate to this project. Now is your chance! Please mark your donations as “Building Repair”. And please do not reduce your monthly tithe and donation commitments.

There is more detailed information in the Narthex. Terry and/or I will be available to discuss this with you further.

God’s Grace,

Roger Herd, Treasurer”