Let me bring you up to date on our call process. On May 24th, the
call committee met with our pastoral candidate and his family in person.
Following the meeting, the call committee unanimously approved our
candidate to become our next pastor. The call committee then shared their
decision with the congregation council at a special meeting on May 25.
The congregation council received the night before the name of the
candidate and the webpage of his current congregation. They were all
able to hear sermons and see a monthly blog from the church’s webpage.
At the combined meeting of the call committee and the council on
May 25, the council heard from each member of the call committee why
they were so enthused with our candidate. After a good discussion, the
council voted unanimously to present his name to the congregation for call.
Later in the week, a team of two council members visited with the
pastor and presented him with our proposed compensation package. He
accepted the package as presented.
On June 3rd, the council meet again, this time to formally approve the
compensation package and to set a date for the congregational meeting to
call our candidate. We also set a date for a Meet and Greet opportunity.
The candidate and his family will be with us on Sunday, June 20.
After the worship service there will be a “Meet and Greet”. The exact
format of this event has not yet been planned, but everyone will be able to
meet both him and his wife.