Blessing of the Backpacks
Please keep all children and their families in your prayers as they head back to school in Mesa today, as well as our Noah's Ark [...]
Please keep all children and their families in your prayers as they head back to school in Mesa today, as well as our Noah's Ark [...]
Don't forget to join us NEXT Sunday, August 4th after worship for bingo and a potluck! Please plan to bring a dish to share and come prepared [...]
It is that time of year to start collecting for Blessing Bags. Please bring your items and leave them in the blue tote in the narthex [...]
Our "Blessing of the Backpacks" will take place this Sunday, July 28th, in worship. All children and youth are encouraged to bring your backpack with you to [...]
This Sunday in worship, the youth will be presenting their summer musical: "Arkeology" and you won't want to miss it! They have been hard at work all [...]
Please join us for worship this Sunday, July 28th, 2024 at 9am in the Sanctuary. This Sunday in worship, the BLC Youth are presenting their summer [...]
The family of Wade Peterson wishes to Thank Everyone at BLC for your love, prayers, kindnesses, cards and blessings during Wade's illness this past year. [...]
Dear friends, The Hannah video is now ready for you to watch. Just tap anywhere on the picture above or the link below and the [...]
Deeper Dive - Sunday mornings at 10:30am Pastor Brian leads a brief class that goes deeper into the focus text that was read and preached [...]
All BLC kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, and friends are invited to join in the fun at our musical camp this summer! Camp will run the mornings [...]