Pastoral Letter 5.23.23
This Sunday is Pentecost and I wanted to remind you about a few things for the day: 1. If you want to wear red to celebrate [...]
This Sunday is Pentecost and I wanted to remind you about a few things for the day: 1. If you want to wear red to celebrate [...]
Are you new to Bethlehem? Interested in learning more about becoming a member? Join Pastor Brian for a conversation about Bethlehem and our ministries after worship [...]
All are welcome to attend the Spring Concert on Friday, April 21st at 6pm in the sanctuary. Come see what the Noah's Ark students have [...]
You are cordially invited to our Spring concert "God's Immeasurable Grace" on April 23, 2023 at 3 pm. God's grace can't be earned or worked for. It's [...]
We are excited to introduce Bethlehem's new online giving page! Your regular Sunday Giving will help to support the mission and ministries of Bethlehem. Vanco, our [...]
Quilting begins a new season on Tuesday, November 16! We will meet weekly from 9am-noon. We do not actually quilt with little stitches but put [...]
Do you love to mix ingredients, bake, and them smell the fresh aroma of cookies, cakes or pies out of the oven? I know we [...]
EMMA’S STORY OF SUCCESS AND GRATITUDE The following story is part of our participation in the “Building a Culture of Generosity” program which seeks to [...]
Today I am filled with gratitude! Gratitude for AnnaMarie Freeman, Elyse Wheeler, Marsha Wooley, Ellie Thompson, Arlene Jacobson, Shirley Davis, Donna Skaggs, Marilyn Bieter, Ann [...]
As I was thinking about Reformation Sunday coming up this weekend I decided to skim through Luther’s table talks. His table talks are a collection of [...]