Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday - March 28th @ 6pm The Upper Room

Good Friday

Good Friday - March 29th @ 6pm Service of Tenebrae

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday - March 31st 6am Sunrise Worship 7:00 - 8:30am Breakfast 8:00am Easter Egg Hunt 9:00am Easter Worship

Easter Breakfast

Breakfast will be served from 7:00-8:30am on Easter morning, between worship services. If you are able to donate items or volunteer to help serve, please [...]

Men of Song

The Men of Song, joined by The Chordialaires, will be sharing their FREE, annual Thank You concert on Sunday, March 3rd at 3pm in the Sanctuary. A [...]

The Hands of Joy Returns

On Sunday, April 14th the Hands of Joy Sign Language Choir will present a concert of music about Jesus and our relationship with Him. Come at 2:00pm [...]


Mark your calendars and plan to join us for our 3rd annual Oktoberfest! Sunday, October 27th, 4-6pm

Memorial Service

The congregation is invited to join the Bonas family in celebrating the life of longtime member of Bethlehem, George Bonas, on November 8th at 10am.

Advent Celebration & Chili Lunch

Our BLC Family will gather together for a time of fellowship and celebration as we prepare the church for Advent and Christmas! Join us on [...]

A Quizzical Christmas Youth Program

Our youth will present their Christmas program, A Quizzical Christmas, in worship on Sunday, December 15th! They've been working hard on the music this fall and [...]

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