Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday - March 31st 6am Sunrise Worship 7:00 - 8:30am Breakfast 8:00am Easter Egg Hunt 9:00am Easter Worship
Easter Sunday - March 31st 6am Sunrise Worship 7:00 - 8:30am Breakfast 8:00am Easter Egg Hunt 9:00am Easter Worship
Breakfast will be served from 7:00-8:30am on Easter morning, between worship services. If you are able to donate items or volunteer to help serve, please [...]
The Men of Song, joined by The Chordialaires, will be sharing their FREE, annual Thank You concert on Sunday, March 3rd at 3pm in the Sanctuary. A [...]
On Sunday, April 14th the Hands of Joy Sign Language Choir will present a concert of music about Jesus and our relationship with Him. Come at 2:00pm [...]
Mark your calendars and plan to join us for our 3rd annual Oktoberfest! Sunday, October 27th, 4-6pm
The congregation is invited to join the Bonas family in celebrating the life of longtime member of Bethlehem, George Bonas, on November 8th at 10am.
Our BLC Family will gather together for a time of fellowship and celebration as we prepare the church for Advent and Christmas! Join us on [...]
Our youth will present their Christmas program, A Quizzical Christmas, in worship on Sunday, December 15th! They've been working hard on the music this fall and [...]
Join us for Christmas at Bethlehem on Tuesday, December 24 th at 5pm for our Christmas Candlelight Service with Holy Communion. The following Sunday, December [...]
"Living the Sweet Life" Women's Retreat Saturday, February 15th, 9am-2pm Please sign up in the Narthex.