To: Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ
The excitement is mounting as Pastor Brian and family are moving into their new home and preparing to begin ministry at Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Your prayers and participation, contributions of time and talent are needed to meet our goals of having every member participate in the welcoming and transition of bringing Pastor Brian to Bethlehem. You are important and even if you are away for a while and will be returning, we look forward to and need your participation. Here is a brief calendar of events scheduled that everyone is invited & encouraged to attend and we look forward to sharing with you:
August 8th – The “Ofishal” Retirement Party for Pastor John Schaumburg is a Potluck in the social hall following the service. Bring a dish or just come “All are Welcome”.
August 22th – Pastor John’s last service. He will be blessing items that will be given to Pastor Brian and his family. Pastor John will be given a “THANK YOU” gift from the congregation and our individual “THANK YOU” cards and gifts collected in the basket. Fellowship will follow the worship service in Pastor John’s honor.
September 5th – Pastor Brian’s first worship service at Bethlehem. Special gifts prepared by Bethlehem’s members and our individual “WELCOME” cards and gifts will be presented. Fellowship in Pastor Brian’s honor will follow in the social hall.
October 10th – Pastor Brian Weinberger’s Installation at 3:00 PM with fellowship to follow.
Our prayers, attendance to services and activities, wearing our name tags and volunteering to assist will make these occasions special. Have you prayed about what YOU can do as YOUR part in the Bethlehem family?
The baskets to receive your “Thank You” cards and gifts for Pastor John and “Welcome” cards and gifts for Pastor Brian are located in the narthex. The prayer Chain basket to receive your Prayer Chain Strips is also located in the narthex. You may also mail them to the church office and they will be placed in the baskets for you. The church’s address is:
2745 North 32 nd Street
Mesa, AZ 85213-1810
The Weinberger’s new refrigerator is ordered and will be delivered soon, however they are unable to accept food that requires refrigeration as yet. The moving process has just begun so our prayers and assistance will be important, especially during this next month.
There is still a need for some personal assistance, moving chores, staples of food and household items so if you can be a blessing to our new Pastoral family, please call Jim Thompson @ 602-751-9194 or
Ellie Thompson @ 602-796-6213 and let them know what kind of blessings you have to offer.
                We are a home to share God’s love and grace.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
The Welcoming Committee, David Geffert, Anna Marie Freeman, Audrey Anderson, Sharon Odden, Ellie Thompson and Avis Peterson