To: Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ
I pray you attended the “O-fish-al” Retirement potluck for Pastor John on Sunday
August 8 th because if you didn’t, you missed a great celebration. Arlene & Carol did a fantastic job of planning, decorating, baking fish cookies and the works. A good time with a wonderful variety of lots of food lovingly prepared by many members was enjoyed. Great teamwork! Thanks to all who participated.
Remember, there are still several opportunities to participate and celebrate and
we hope to see you there so here are the dates:
AUGUST 22 nd – Pastor John’s last service. He will be blessing items that will be given to Pastor Brian and his family. Pastor John will be given a “THANK YOU” gift from the congregation and our individual “THANK YOU” cards and gifts collected in the basket.
SEPTEMBER 5 th – Pastor Brian’s first worship service at Bethlehem. Special gifts prepared by Bethlehem’s own and our individual “WELCOME” cards and gifts will be presented to Pastor Brian and his family.
OCTOBER 10 th – Pastor Brian Weinberger’s Installation Service at 3:00 PM with fellowship to follow. PLEASE, everyone, the days are flying by so make sure you get your “Thank You” cards and gifts for Pastor John and “Welcome” cards and gifts in for Pastor Brian, as well as the “Prayer Chain” strips or sheets into the baskets in the narthex or the mail to BLC so they can be included at the respective presentations. Late arrivals are very much appreciated and accepted as well.
THANK YOU everyone for your continued prayers, attendance to services and
activities, wearing your name tags and volunteering to assist with these special
occasions and miscellaneous needs during this time of transition. There is still a
lot of assistance needed so if you can be a blessing to BLC by sharing your time
and talent in any way, please contact Jim Thompson @ 602-751-9194 or Ellie
Thompson @ 602-796-6213 and let them know what kind of blessings you have to offer. They will be happy to direct you to the proper person or supply you info.
Blessings from the Welcoming Committee, David Geffert, Anna Marie Freeman,
Audrey Anderson, Sharon Odden, Ellie Thompson and Avis Peterson.
We are a home to share God’s Love and grace.