I-Help hosting dates for 2024 are Fridays, March 29, May 31, and November 29. Please consider hosting with your group or have your group join another group to host. This is very rewarding as these ladies are very grateful for what is provided for them. Contact Karen Vidot if you have any questions!
January Success Story
Participant is a sixty-five-year-old Caucasian female who was retired and living in
her house with her husband until he passed away. She maintained the house as
long as she could on her own after his passing until family disputers forced her to
leave her home having nowhere to go. She spent a week sleeping in her truck
until her Pastor referred her to the Mesa I-HELP program.
Participant enter the Mesa I-HELP program on October, 10 2023. Once in the
program she worked on her health concerns and was able to save money from her
social security benefits.
During her three months stay in the program she was able to pay off debts and
saved money. She also served as a volunteer monitor in the program and was able
to save money from her stipend pay, as well. She quickly was able to get back into
a position of being financially independent. She found housing and was able to
rent an apartment in Mesa. She picked up a Lutheran Social Services “Casa Kit”
and a towel set that had been donated to the I-HELP Program. She moved into her
apartment at the end of January 2024.
During her exit case management interview, she stated, “Mesa I-HELP gave me
somewhere to stay while I was dealing with health issues on my own, and dealing
with the loss of my husband and my home.” “The Mesa I-HELP program gave me
a purpose; when I started monitoring, it gave me responsibility.” “I am so
appreciative of everything the program gives us ladies; food, clothes, showers,
laundry, transportation, and a roof over our heads. I don’t know what would have happened if I was on the street.”