When volunteering to help people in need, we usually expect that what we do will be beneficial
to those we serve. That is so true in the case of I-HELP. WELCA just completed an evening with 9 women currently experiencing homelessness. Their stories are varied and compelling, and their faith and gratitude are consistent. Some exhibited amazing humor in the midst of probably some of the worst days of their lives. All of them held on to hope and the belief that God is with them on this journey.
All of these ladies were clean and appropriately dressed. They were well-mannered and appreciative. We shared stories and found we had many things in common; laughter was plentiful. They were also excited that a man was volunteering with us! Daryle can attest that accompanying those experiencing homelessness is a rewarding experience for men too!
Expressions of gratitude were abundant and sincere. The monitor told one of us that they are always happy when they hear they are coming to Bethlehem for the night. That might come as a surprise, considering that when they sleep here, they put their blow-up mattresses on the floor throughout the sanctuary, while most churches provide cots.
We think it comes down to love. What they find at Bethlehem are people who love them as children of God. There is no judgment, just open and loving hospitality. It’s quite simple. We provide them with a hot, home-cooked meal that is both nutritious and delicious and includes dessert! This time, Marsha arranged flowers for the tables. What a wonderful addition to the ambiance of the room. We also had various hygiene supplies available to them. They were so excited as they picked out what they needed!
The ladies who make prayer shawls offered to give each woman a shawl, so we brought them into the fellowship hall, and, after we had told them that members had made them with love, they were able to choose their shawl. Many were later seen with their shawls wrapped around them as they lay on the floor.
In their lunch bags for Saturday was this message:
A Blessing Just for You
You may be down on your luck right now. Know there are people who
care about you. There is always hope. You are beautiful and Jesus can always sustain you. You have been prayed for.
“I know what I am doing. I have it all planned out – plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.”
Jeremiah 29:11
And we all came away feeling blessed and so happy to be just a small part of helping these nine amazing women through a difficult time. Witnessing the faith and joy in women who are in the midst of extremely hard times is rewarding and humbling. We are so pleased that Bethlehem continues to be involved in this important and worthwhile ministry and we hope that more will heed the call to be a part by volunteering, cooking, baking, shopping or praying.