The following story is part of our participation in the “Building a Culture of Generosity” program which seeks to inform the congregation about the community projects that your financial gifts support. I-Help is one of many!

Emma retired 13 years ago. At the age of 77, she found herself homeless after the trailer she was renting in Scottsdale was sold. Since she was unable to find affordable housing, an abandoned building became her home.

Emma met a woman who told her about the Rescue mission who eventually referred her to I-HELP in Mesa. With the help and encouragement offered there, she began to be more hopeful.

The staff recognized Emma’s leadership ability and she soon became a lead monitor. Save the Family in Mesa provided case management for her and referred her to the Rapid Rehousing program and she soon found an apartment she could afford on her fixed Social Security income.

She had tears in her eyes when she told the staff that she would be forever grateful to Mesa I-HELP for “taking care of me, keeping me safe and giving me my life back.” She continues to give back by volunteering for the program. What a fine example of community collaboration to serve people in need!

Our financial support of Bethlehem Lutheran Church is helping people like Emma to overcome homelessness.