Today I am filled with gratitude! Gratitude for AnnaMarie Freeman, Elyse Wheeler, Marsha Wooley, Ellie Thompson, Arlene Jacobson, Shirley Davis, Donna Skaggs, Marilyn Bieter, Ann Leonard and Phyllis Severson. My gratitude spreads to Lutheran Social Services who sponsors the program to and Karen Vidot who has kept it going at Bethlehem. And I am grateful for the prayers of the congregation of Bethlehem. Without this team of dedicated workers, generous donors and incredible prayer warriors, 8 delightful women who happen to be homeless would not have eaten a delicious dinner followed by great conversation. They would have missed the home-made cookies to snack upon. They would not have had a warm, safe place to sleep, nor would they have had a nutritious breakfast to begin their day. And they didn’t have to worry about their next meal because the team sent them off with a lunch as well!


What a blessing it was to work with such a magnificent team! What a blessing it is to serve in this manner!


But I was not the only one filled with gratitude! Over and over again, these ladies who, one would think, had little to be grateful for, smiled, laughed and expressed how much they appreciated what was being done for them! I left with my heart full to the brim! Thank you, Bethlehem!