We’re looking forward to enjoying some wonderful soups and fellowship before our Wednesday night services during Lent! We are looking for individuals or households who are willing to provide soup and kitchen support for two of the six weeks during Lent.
Soup suppers will be from 5:00-5:45pm and Lenten services will begin at 6:00pm. All team members are responsible for providing one pot of soup, and helping with prepping additional side items provided, setting up, serving, and cleaning up for each of their two assigned weeks. Please plan to arrive by about 4:30pm to allow enough time to prepare the kitchen. If you are willing to be on one of these 3 teams, or are able to help out in any way, please see the sign-up board in the narthex. Any questions can be directed to Bekkah in the church office: 480-832-0462 or secretary@blcmesa.org.
Soup Supper Dates:
Team 1 – March 5th (Ash Weds) & March 26th
Team 2 – March 12th & April 2nd
Team 3 – March 19th & April 9th