View our leadership members below and click on each name for more information.

Here is a brief summary of how we are structured and work together to accomplish our mission. Bethlehem Lutheran Church is a non-profit Arizona corporation. We are tax-exempt under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code because of our association with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Ultimately, the Church exists to serve, honor, and glorify God and to help the Members of Bethlehem Lutheran Church grow into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. We govern ourselves democratically, electing members of the Congregation Council who oversee the mission and ministry of the church. The Articles of Incorporation, the Constitution and Bylaws describe the specific areas of responsibilities and authority for each group of governance. Bethlehem Lutheran Church is a staff/team led and managed church. Our professional staff operates the various ministries within guidelines established by our policy, procedure, or our governing documents. The staff is also responsible for the development of our ministries as well as strategic planning.
The Church Council has the responsibility of Vision, Policy, and Budget. It also will approve staff hiring for the Church. Noah’s Ark Preschool and Kindergarten is a mission of Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Noah’s Ark Preschool and Kindergarten Board approves the hiring of the school’s staff.

Bethlehem Lutheran Church was founded in 1986. Pastor Stephen and Estelle Knudsen began worship at the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Mesa. On February 16, 1988, Bethlehem was organized as a congregation with 98 members.
1990 was a year that Bethlehem’s first unit of 7500 sq. ft. was built which included worship access, kitchen, fellowship, restrooms, and educational rooms. The four acres accommodated the worship and growth of young and adults, year-round members, and seasonal members. Pastor Maynard Midthun served as visitation pastor and Kris Anderson as the first intern.
In 1995 Pastor Knudsen accepted a pastoral call to Las Vegas. Pastor Adam Meidinger was the interim pastor. In 1996, Bethlehem called Pastor Dale Olson to be its senior pastor. In 1997, Bethlehem stepped out in faith to purchase an additional four acres with a comprehensive site plan for all eight acres.
By 1998 more children were filling the classrooms, so Bethlehem began a building program for its 2400 square foot educational/preschool building.
In 2000, Pat Servi was introduced as Intern. September marked an exciting time with the opening of Noah’s Ark Preschool with Jan Wilton as director and 36 children enrolled.
In July of 2002, Pastor Olson left to assume a position as pastor at Community Lutheran Church in Las Vegas. Pastor Ivan Gunderman began his ministry as Transitional Pastor in September, 2002.
Pastor Terry Pletkovich came to Bethlehem in April of 2004, after having served in Colorado for the previous nine years. Pastor Terry grew up in the Phoenix area and received his undergraduate degree from Arizona State University before attending Luther Seminary in St. Paul Minnesota. In addition to parish ministry, Pastor Terry served as a Navy Reserve Chaplain.
In July of 2005 Don Francis joined us as our musician, and in August Kathy Davis became our choir director.
Pastor Terry was recalled in support of the Returning Warrior project for 1 year beginning September, 2006.
In the Fall of 2006, Ryan Rouse, a recent seminary graduate, was called to serve as a half-time Interim Pastor for our congregation while Pastor Terry served part time during his Navy recall. During his time with us Pastor Ryan helped out with a variety of different ministries including: visitations, teaching, preaching, and leading worship. Before accepting a call to a congregation in Las Vegas (another congregation) he helped implement a youth ministry team to work with our adolescents at Bethlehem.
In October, 2006 the children and staff of Noah’s Ark performed a half hour concert for the opening worship of the National ELCA Administrator/Pastor Conference held in Phoenix. On June 24, 2007 Noah’s Ark was privileged to sing the National Anthem – on national TV – at Chase Field for the Diamondbacks vs. Orioles game as part of Faith and Family Sunday.
In November of 2009 Pastor Pletkovich resigned as Pastor of Bethlehem, and Pastor Jerry Ebbinga began his ministry as Transitional Pastor.
In April of 2010 Pastor Chon Pugh began her ministry on a part time basis to assist Pastor Jerry in the interim period.
In June of 2010 the Fourth Sunday of the Month became a Guitar service.
Jan Wilton resigned as Director of Noah’s Ark in October of 2010. Jill Majestic became the temporary director. In May, 2011 Jill became the permanent director.
Pastor Jerry Ebbinga’s interim ended in February, 2011. On March 1, 2011 Pastor Chon Pugh began her call as the permanent pastor at Bethlehem on a 2/3 time basis.
2012 was a busy year. In March, Harvest of Hope Community Garden became a reality. Bethlehem celebrated our 25th Anniversary in September. Bethlehem enrolled into the Missional Leadership Academy, and Ventures in Stewardship was implemented. In November of 2012 the first class of Stephen Ministers was installed.
On September 16, 2013 Pastor Chon Pugh’s call was voted on and extended to full time. On October 15, 2013 the orchard was cleared of trees in a joint effort of the Arizona Academy of Youth Soccer league, the LDS church, and Bethlehem.
In June of 2014 Arlene Jacobson was added to staff as Worship Assistant.
In 2015 Elyse Wheeler began her Deaconess field work.
In 2016 Bethlehem hosted her first Cursillo Ultraya, and our first class of Stephen Leaders attended training.
In May of 2017 Kathy Davis retired as choir director after 12 years. In July Jordan Webb became our Music Director, taking on the duties of both the choir director and musician, and Elyse Wheeler began her deaconess internship.
The field (formerly an orchard) was sold in 2018 and Elyse Wheeler was consecrated as a Deaconess.
In March of 2019 Pastor John Schaumburg became Visitation Pastor, and on June 30th we celebrated Carol Savoie’s retirement after 14 years as Faith Community Nurse. In August Sara Oliveira became the Social Media specialist taking over the online video presence, website updates and Nursery needs.
In August 2020 Pastor Chon Pugh resigned as pastor of Bethlehem having served ten years to accept a call in Texas City, Texas. Pastor John Schaumburg became the bridge pastor until an interim was named. In November 2020 Laurel Green retired after 25 years of loyal service as secretary, financial and lead administration, along with husband Raymond who handled all of the building maintenance with their son Matthew. In November we trained Pat Gappa to assist in our Financial department.
In February 2021 Arlene Jacobson retired as Office Administration and Sunday Service Coordinator after many faithful years in ministry and Karen Vidot becomes our Mission and Service Coordinator. On March 1st we welcomed Linda Alderman as our Church Secretary and in April, Anna Duncan become our Financial Assistant.
On June 27th, after a year long call process, we voted Rev. Brian Weinberger to be the new Pastor at Bethlehem. Pastor John Shaumburg officially retired on August 22nd as our Interim Pastor. In August, Linda resigned as secretary. Arlene Jacobson, Carol Savoie & Anna Marie Freeman helped in the office temporarily. Pastor Brian Weinberger started his ministry on August 30th and was officially Installed October 10th. Bekkah Weinberger became Church secretary in September.