Report to the Congregation for June 30, 2024:

1) Church Office hours: The council approved summer hours for the church office. The hours will be 9am to 1pm through the end of August.

2) Community Garden: The garden team is looking for new volunteers to reshape the future of the garden. All volunteers are welcome whether you have two green thumbs or want to try something new. Please see Bill Gappa if you are interested.

3) Food Bank @ First Evangelical: Bill Gappa recently dropped off our food bank donations from the blue bin right outside of the sanctuary. The food bank is very appreciative of our donations and is still seeking more cereal for the summertime when kids are out of school. Canned food donations are always welcome too.

4) Pastor Vacation: Pastor Brian and family will be on vacation from July 8th to the 22nd while they explore the national parks in Northern Arizona. We wish them lots of fun and some cooler weather too. Pastor John will be leading worship with us on the 14th and 21st. Thank you Pastor John.