Dear Congregation.

The council has been hard at work this summer making sure our facility, church and school, are well maintained. Fuses have been replaced in the air-conditioners and they are all in working condition.  We’ve a new landscaper, J&C landscaping, and they are maintaining the grounds in good order and within our budget.  Bids are being received to enable us to live- stream our services and to provide an easier access for those who have difficulty walking to the building from the parking lot.

We have several master gardeners in our congregation and they are getting the garden cleaned up and planted for another season. However, they need help. If you could spend 1 or 2 hours, often weeding, please call Bill Gappa.  He’ll let you know when to come and what you may be asked to do.  This is a major ministry of our church, helping to feed people in Mesa.

The Seeding Mercy container still has lots of room for used clothing and household linens, like sheets, towels, or blankets.  Search the backs of your closets and storage areas and see what you could bring to help fill that container.  Any questions call Pr. John.

Don’t forget to keep Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Noah’s Ark and all our ministries in prayer as we listen for God’s guidance.  Remember all our ministries really are, our hands doing His work.