Some brief news from council.
We are continuing to upgrade and maintain our facility:
• Window in the door to Pastor’s office as required by law.
• New mats by the Narthex doors.
• A bid was approved to upgrade the woman’s bathroom and we expect the work to be done next month.
• Additional microphones have been ordered and a scaffolding was donated so changes can be made in the sanctuary more safely.
• A bid is in process for the handicapped driveway, more details need to be worked out.
If you paid for a bed in the garden and wish to plant it yourself, now is the time. There is no garden committee available to do the planting this year.
Watch for information about Noah’s Ark. As parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents we may be in contact with families who would like to know
about its program.
New forms for dedicating flowers in 2025 are available. Please read them carefully as information has changed.
Council wishes to thank the Worship Arts Committee for the creative ideas and hard work that goes into changing our worship space with each liturgical season.
As always, feel free to contact any council member with questions or comments, or visit our meetings the 3rd Sunday of each month.