Report to the Congregation for February 2025

Information to share with the congregation from the council meeting held February 16, 2025, from Sharon Hoffer, Council President:


  • Property Management: For many years – as most of you are aware – Terry Kahl has been the actively involved in the management of BLC and Noah’s Ark buildings, property and a hundred different details relating to the upkeep of the church and school since the facilities were built. He has asked the council to find a person or team of people (three or four) who would be willing to take over the responsibilities. Terry is willing to train and mentor.
  • Parking Lot Lighting: LED lights have been purchased and will replace many burnt-out bulbs in the parking lot in the very near future. You can look forward to a brighter – and thus a much safer – walk to your vehicle when it turns dark. Plus, these bulbs are less expensive to operate.
  • The HOH Garden: Help! The garden is producing beautifully – but alas, more help is needed to harvest the produce. There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex of people willing to be called to come to help our garden board when the need arises. Please talk with Bill Gappa or some of the master gardeners we have at BLC. It was also suggested that students from public or private schools who need community volunteer hours could be asked to help. If you know someone please let us know.
  • Membership Booklet: The council has approved adding pictures to the directory for the membership booklet that is published yearly. This will be done “in-house” to keep expenses down. Two or three Sundays will be set aside for your digital picture to be taken. Look for more announcements and information soon.