I write this letter to you on Monday where we commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  A day that we remember the life and ministry of this incredible man who dared to be a prophet in a difficult time.
We see the prophets in the Bible spoke out against the wrongs of the world and tried to get people back to listening to the words of God instead of the words of the world.  This is, as I said the vocation of Martin Luther King Jr.  It is work that we need to continue to do today as we see the world continue to live in turmoil and where peace, justice, and equality continue to be difficult things to achieve.
We all need to speak out against injustice and speak up for equality.  We need to look out for the poor, the widow, and the outcast.  There are countless passages in the Bible that speak to these very issues.  Passages that talk about seeking justice and correcting oppression to these groups of people.  We see books like Zechariah 7:10Psalm 146:9Deuteronomy 10:18, and Jeremiah 22:3.
While we take a day to remember and think upon the life of this incredible man, we need to also think of the ways that we can become involved and active in the work that MLK Jr. did.  The work that he saw the Bible reference time and time again.  We are called to be a light to the nations and to share the good news with all whom we encounter.  That good news is the message of agape love for all people, no matter what race, gender, ethnicity, or anything that may separate us.  We are all one in Christ Jesus and we are called to live out that oneness in every aspect of our lives.
Thanks be to God for prophets like MLK Jr. and all people who work tirelessly for peace, justice, and equality for all those who do not experience those things.
Pastor Brian Weinberger