I want to start off by saying thank you to everyone who helped make Sunday a special day for this church family and especially for my family. It was a day filled with joy and blessings.
To answer a question that was on several people’s minds (and lips), no you can’t change your minds, it’s official now. J
I was asked if it feels any different by someone. I have been your pastor for over a month now and now that I am installed, does it feel any different? I thought it was a great question and one that I thought I would reflect upon with all of you.
Does it feel different? No. It doesn’t feel different because we have been engaged in ministry together as pastor and congregation for over a month now. Did the service on Sunday suddenly make our ministry different or new or something we weren’t expecting? No, it doesn’t. Does that mean things are going to stay the same? No, it doesn’t. Nor should it. We should always be on the lookout for new ways to do ministry together and for the sake of the world. Me being officially installed doesn’t suddenly change the dynamic of this congregation and who we are and whose we are. So again, I don’t suddenly have glowing hands or any new brilliant insights into the world or God that I didn’t have a month ago. If I do, I’ll be sure to let you know.
Does it feel different? Yes. Yes, it very much feels different. We have been together for over a month now, and the welcome my family received that first Sunday was (as I mentioned in a previous letter) overwhelming, and at the same time, Sunday felt different. It was different because we set aside a time to come together and make promises to one another. I promised to all who were gathered to fulfill my office of pastor to the best of my ability, to preach, teach, baptize, and minister at the Lord’s table. You promised to support me in this ministry so that we are a team working together. While we may have already talked about doing those things together, I really believe taking the time to come together and verbalize those promises makes it feel different.
So, while I’m still me, you are still you, and the church is still Christ’s church, we have taken a step into covenant with one another and with God. I pray that we can work to set aside those things which try to tell us we’re different and to come even closer together. I pray that we explore and engage ways to reach out to our neighbors, both those by the church and by our own homes, so that we can share the love of God as found in Christ Jesus.
Is it different, no…and yes.
Pastor Brian