Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, and I would like to invite you to come at noon or 6pm. Both services will have communion and the imposition of ashes. With Ash Wednesday comes the beginning of Lent. Traditionally people from many mainline denominations give something up for Lent. It is a way to have a mini wilderness journey like the wilderness journey that Jesus went through in Luke 4:1-13. We will hear that story on the first Sunday in Lent (March 6).
I would invite you, if it is your faith practice, to give something up for Lent. I would also invite you to consider the opposite. No, I don’t mean eat more chocolate or have two glasses of wine a night. It has also become popular in recent years to add something to your spiritual faith during the season of Lent. Perhaps it is adding a daily Bible reading or picking and using a daily devotional. Find something that you have wanted to do or thought about and try it out during the 40 days of Lent.
I also recently had a conversation with someone in the wider community of Mesa, and as we talked about Ash Wednesday and Lent, we talked about how Sundays are not actually included in the 40 days of Lent. Go ahead, get your calendar out and start counting. Sundays would make Lent more than 40 days. I am going to let you in on a little-known secret: if you are really having trouble with what you are giving up for Lent (if you go that route), Sundays don’t officially count. If you keep going with Sundays, good for you. If you need to ‘cheat’ then know that you can do it on Sunday. Just don’t blame me when someone says you’re cheating (my Pastor said I could). The woman I was talking about told me she never knew that growing up and had recently learned it and wish that she had known when she was younger. The things we’ll do for a few extra pieces of chocolate.
Whether you give something up, take something on, or just recognize that Lent is a special time in the church year, I pray that you are uplifted in your faith and connectedness to God and one another during this Lenten season and beyond.
May you all have a blessed Lent.
Pastor Brian