Today I have been working on putting together another video for our Lenten Series “Freeing Jesus”. (If you haven’t had an opportunity to come Wednesday nights you can always view the videos online by clicking on them in the Thursday E-blast.) As I have been putting these videos together and showing them on Wednesday nights, I have been so moved by the stories of faith of each of you who have been sharing.

Because I have been moved by these videos, I thought about the impact that these stories would have on others. After all, we are called to share our stories of faith to help reach other people. And as I began to think about that, I wondered what it would be like if we did show these videos to people. What kind of impact would it make on their lives and what kind of invitation could we make to bring people to come and see more of the stories of the people here and how God has impacted our lives.

In fact, I have heard several people after our Wednesday worship say that they wish this person or that person in their life could see this video. Why not? Why not take the time to send them the video and show it to them? Why wait to have them see faith and God at work in the lives of people that are just like them? Maybe they’d be more comfortable seeing the video at their home and then maybe, just maybe they would be moved to come and experience more with us.

After all, isn’t that what we are called to do? Are we not called to share the stories of our faith with others so that they might see what we are all about?

16 In the same way, let your light shine before people, so they can see the good things you do and praise your Father who is in heaven. ~ Matthew 5:16

This is yet another way, and I would say an easy way, to help live into our theme for the year: Together we Thrive. We thrive when we share stories of our faith, we thrive when that faith is then shared with others, and others thrive when they hear faith alive in the stories of people.

So, ask yourself this question: Have I been moved by these videos in Lent? If the answer is yes, then I believe others will be too. Share these stories, share the Good News of Jesus with those you meet in your lives. Tell them of the freeing power of Jesus and how Jesus is and can be so many different things to people.

He is our:







Finally, “thank you” to everyone who has and will be sharing their stories with us each week in our Wednesday night worship. And “thank you” to everyone who shares their stories of faith with me and others during our chats together. Every time we share our stories of faith, we continue to show the ways that God is active in our lives and in this world each and every day.


Pastor Brian

P.S. Today is 3.14, which is Pi Day, so go enjoy a piece of pi(e) today!