This morning as I did my morning prayer time, I was distracted by other thoughts going on in my head. It happens from time to time and I’m sure it has happened to each of you. As I was attempting to refocus on my prayers, I was really having a hard time doing it. Perhaps it was the thoughts, perhaps it was how tired I was. Whatever it was I was having a hard time doing it.
As I was working on getting refocused, this thought popped into my head: This time of prayer is not about me, but about focusing in on God. Now prayer is many things to us, and I could get really resonated with me this morning. Perhaps that is why I couldn’t write my letter yesterday to have for you this morning. Perhaps I was too focused on what should I write and how am I going to get this done, instead of letting the Holy Spirit step in.
Again, this isn’t a revolutionary concept, but it is one that I think we all need to remind ourselves from time to time. Most of the time I write these letters it is from divine inspiration. I don’t usually have a grand plan of what to write week to week or even month to month. Most of these letters just come to me and I start writing.
I believe that is why this whole idea of prayer is a time to focus on God and not myself was so powerful. I needed to take the time to step out of the center of the conversation, I needed to step into a listening role and let God take the focus of what was happening. I did and my morning prayer time was much better.
As I thought more about it this verse came to mind: Matthew 6:33: But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. The rest of what is happening around this verse is the conversation about how the birds of the air and the lilies of the field get everything they need, so we should not worry. I think another way to not worry is to spend time focusing on God and putting God at the center, especially at times when we feel frustrated or helpless.
As I said before, sometimes we just need to remind ourselves of things we already know. Today was one of those days for me and I am glad that God was able to share that with me, and that I had the opportunity to now share it with you.
Blessings to all of you as you live into and grow in your faith walk with Jesus.
Pastor Brian