Dear People of Bethlehem,

Our faith formation this fall is going to look different than it has in the past. Previously I have taught a Thursday Bible Study via Zoom and focus of that study was a deep dive into each week’s focus text. I am excited to share that there will be even more opportunities for faith formation.

Here is what our new faith and learning schedule will look like this fall:

1.    Beginning Monday September 11th, I will teach my previously announced T3ch 4 G0d class on Mondays at 10am. This class will be to help people learn how to use (and use responsibly) various forms of technology, social media, etc. Class will be held in-person in the conference room.

2.    Beginning Thursday September 21st, I will create a welcoming space to discuss topics and events happening in our world today. Everyone is invited to Coffee Theology at 10am to have contemporary conversations about our world, using our faith as our guidepost. We will meet in the Social Hall for this conversation.

3.    Beginning Sunday September 24th, I will host a deeper dive into the text that I preach on each week (like what I have been hosting in the past). Each week at 10:30am (after worship and some fellowship) we will gather in the conference room and have conversations about the text, what I spoke about in my message, and I will share things that don’t make it into my message. We will not have this learning opportunity the 3rd Sunday each month as it conflicts with council meetings.

I hope you can join us for these new learning and faith formation opportunities. I look forward to all our conversations we will be having together.

There is one final faith formation and learning opportunity starting this fall. This one will focus on our children and youth. With this announcement, I would also like to joyfully share with you that the church council has unanimously agreed to shift Bekkah away from her front office duties into youth and family ministry.

On September 24th, Bekkah will host an informational meeting with the youth and their families in the newly designated youth room, rooms 9&10. This meeting will start at 10:15am and all youth and their families are invited for a conversation about visioning for the future. Faith formation for our children will happen each Sunday after worship starting at 10:15am.

The staff and council are excited for all these new opportunities and ask that you keep all of this in your prayers and find ways that you can support them as we move forward.

The church office is looking for volunteers to help fulfill some of the tasks to help Bekkah’s transition take place. If you would be willing to volunteer or learn more about what is needed, please call, or stop by the church office.


Pastor Brian