Bethlehem Lutheran Church
2745 N. 32nd Street, Mesa, AZ. 85213
Pastor Brian Weinberger
Last Saturday was our daughter, Aubreigh’s, first volleyball game of the season (and ever).  As the game started, we had our suspicions confirmed that 98% of the points scored during the game would be based off whether the person serving the ball made it over the net or not.  It was a blast to watch the girls serve and try so hard to return a serve.
What really hit me, was how much, we, the fans, responded to everything happening on the court.  Now I have been to other sports that Aubreigh has played, but I haven’t really experienced quite the enthusiasm as the fans on Saturday.
With the reactions and cheering you would think that you were sitting at a professional football or basketball game.  If someone got it over the net on a serve there was cheering.  If someone hit the ball after someone else served it there was a roar from everyone.  It didn’t matter if the ball went into the net, the ground or out of bounds, the fans made the gym shake.  If the ball went back over the net, it sounded like an unexpected play just happened and people would go nuts.  If…if the ball was then hit back over the net AGAIN, or the ball was bumped and another teammate bumped it, you would have thought that a Hail Mary pass to win the Super Bowl had just happened.
I was blown away at the support and praise from every single fan in that gym.  I also noticed how positive and uplifting the coaches were during the game.  Encouraging the girls when they did a good job and giving them tips and reminders when they needed some help.
Think about what that kind of support and joy looks like for a community of faith.  It reminds me of 1 Thessalonians 5:11 where we are invited to encourage one another and to build each other up.  Then again in Ephesians 4:32-5:2, we are reminded to be kind and imitators of God.  Finally, we see in Romans 15:4-5 that we are both encouraged by scripture and that God gives us encouragement.
What if we continued, and very intentionally strived, to be a community of faith that shouted and roared with joy at the good that another in our community does?  What if we lifted one another up when they need encouragement?  What if we put out a helping hand instead of speaking ill of them behind their backs?
Let us rejoice with one another when there’s any need to rejoice.  Let us lift up when someone is feeling low.  Let us pat one another on the back when we need some kindness.  For that is what God calls us to do and what Christ did in this life.
Let us be the crowd that hoots and hollers for one another even if it is something small.  Let us rejoice for any victory, and especially for any mishap we may make so that everyone will know that we love and care for them in every moment and aspect of their life.
Pastor Brian