This past Sunday we concluded our sermon series on Creation Care. It was a joy to work with our texts and present ways to think about our interconnectedness with God, creation, and one another. As a part of our final conversation about Creation and Renewal, I talked about an organization in my message. After worship there were multiple people who expressed interest in this organization so I thought I would share it today to make it more easily accessible for all of you.

Two years ago (it doesn’t seem like it was that long ago) I watched a YouTube video from Mark Rober about The Ocean Cleanup. In the video, found here he talks all about what The Ocean Cleanup is all about. Essentially with donations and fundraisers from people around the world, The Ocean Cleanup is working toward removing 90% of plastics (and other garbage) from oceans and waterways around the world, by the year 2040 (that’s just over 15 years away).

I believe that we can all agree that at the most basic level a cleaner planet is a healthier planet. I believe we can also agree that caring for the planet is something that God calls us to time and time again as we saw in our Creation Care Sermon Series.

The Lord God took the human and settled him in the garden of Eden to farm it and to take care of it. ~ Genesis 2:15

Some of the people I talked to about The Ocean Cleanup wanted to know if there was a way to donate to this cause and there is! You can visit their website: The Ocean Cleanup and click on the donate tab on the top right side of the page.

I want to again thank you all for the ways that you have received this sermon series and the ways that we work together to bring about God’s vision for us and for all of creation.

Finally, I wanted to let you all know that this Sunday we begin year 3 of the Narrative Lectionary where we will find ourselves in familiar territory: back at creation in the Garden of Eden. I look forward to working our way through the Old Testament and then through the Gospel of Luke this year. May God open our hearts, eyes, and minds to what the Spirit is speaking to us.

OH! Also, remember that this first week of the Narrative Lectionary is also God’s Work Our Hands Sunday (so fitting). If you have a GWOH shirt, please wear it to worship. After worship everyone is invited to put together our blessing bags and hygiene kits for those who are in need. The more hands we have the faster we can get it done! Thank you for your commitment to this ministry!


Pastor Brian