Home Worship by ELCA
May 16th:
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity  Set aside time each day this week to join Christians around the world as we pray for unity. Let this year’s theme verse, from the Gospel of John, inspire you: “Abide in my love, and you will bear much fruit.”
May 17th:
Give thanks and praise to God that, through the Spirit, we find words to proclaim the good news of Jesus, that all who listen may believe and experience new life, joy and freedom in Christ.
May 18th:
Thank God for our special relationship with the United Church of Christ, a full communion partner with the ELCA since 1997. Pray for the church, its members and its leaders, and pray that together we will find strength and new resources for the work of sharing the gospel and serving our neighbor, especially in these uncertain and challenging times.
May 19th
Ask God to renew our self-discipline, patience, empathy, and spirit of community concern and care as we continue to fight the spread of COVID-19 and respond to its impact.
May 20th:
Give thanks that, at some point in our lives, the Spirit opened our hearts and minds to the testimony and invitation of our siblings in Christ, that we might be baptized into a new life in Jesus, follow the ways and commandments of God and experience the joy of eternal life.
May 21st:
Remember in prayer the leaders, voting members and others gathering online for the assemblies of the Northwestern Minnesota, Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast and Southeastern Iowa synods, that the Spirit will strengthen, guide and encourage them in choosing leaders, proclaiming the gospel, growing the church, serving our neighbor and doing God’s work in an ever-changing world.
May 22nd:
Pray for teachers and school staff who continue to adapt to changing education dynamics and requirements because of the pandemic. Ask God to grant them wisdom, creativity, patience, strength and renewed passion for their vocation as they serve students of all ages and abilities.
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congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.