Can you believe it!! Summer is just beginning and we already have to think about school supplies for the 2022 – 2023 school year.  Lutheran Social Services request that we deliver what we collect for them on July 15th.  So, there will be a receptacle in the narthex on Sunday June 26th and July 3rd and 10th to hold school supplies. When you are shopping and see a good sale, please buy a few items to help us fill the list below.
Lutheran Social Services needs:  Back packs, pens and pencils,
single subject notebooks, glue sticks, yellow highlighters, and 3X5 index cards.
Noah’s Ark needs: single reams of white copy paper and rectangular plastic pencil boxes.  A sample is in the container in the narthex. Parents supply the other needs.
Thank you for helping students get off to a good start next year.