A Message From: The Welcoming Committee
To: Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ
The committees have done a remarkable job so far and there is a lot more to be accomplished before Pastor Brian is moved and formally begins his Ministry with BLC and his Installation. This requires the dedication of all of the congregation and we will be keeping you informed of ways you can help even if you are not able to be here personally at the time. Our goal is to include everyone as you are all important to BLC and to our Lord and Savior. Please pray individually about what YOU can do as YOUR contribution. We will be giving you a list of ideas to choose from that we have discussed and believe will be beneficial to Pastor Brian and family in order to make them feel welcome, comfortable, confident, blessed and thankful that they have decided to join our Christian family at BLC.
The following is a list of ideas we as the Welcoming Committee will be working on for you to consider so far. Other ideas may come up shortly, there are so many ways we can help, however it is best to concentrate on a manageable list for it to be successful. Please, pray and consider which numbers on the list that YOU will be delighted, comfortable, and able to contribute to as a member or friend of BLC.
1. Continued attendance to services and activities when possible, wearing
your name tag. Always volunteer your time and talents when you can.
2. Daily prayer for BLC, Pastor John, Pastor Brian and everyone giving their
time and talents toward the success of our decision to call Pastor Brian.
3. There will be a need of personal assistance when Pastor Brian & family
arrive regarding their preparation and move in to living quarters.
4. Provide prepared healthy food or basic food items for easy preparation by
the family. Provide staple food items such as sugar, flour, salt/pepper,
paper towel, TP, napkins, laundry soap, bottled water. Items that everyone
needs and maybe doesn’t have time to go to the store and purchase right
5. Gift cards to local places to eat, grocery markets, entertainment venues for
that much needed occasional break are some suggestions. Keep in mind
that gift cards sometimes get lost in the mail.
6. Cards and monetary donations are a wonderful gift for use of things we
would have no way of knowing there is a need for. Monetary gifts are to be
given to BLC. Be sure cash is in an envelope with the amount, your name &
date clearly noted on the inside and checks made out to BLC with notation
of Pastor Brian‘s fund. A basket will be provided to collect your gifts weekly
or you can mail them directly to the church. Keep in mind that cash is often
lost in the mail.
7. Volunteer for whatever and whenever when you can. Every little bit helps
and remember, we are all children of God. Our family at BLC needs
everyone’s time and talent as support during this blessed and critical period
of time.
8. Remember to return your prayer chain slips and as many as you are moved
to prepare to show your love,
and support.
Thank you & God’s Blessings to everyone for your prayers, time & talent,
volunteering, love and faith in our Bethlehem Lutheran Church as we
prepare to receive Pastor Brian & family.
It is also exciting to know that we are approaching our 35 th Anniversary In
the year 2022 so we have so much to be thankful for and look forward to
as our church future unfolds.
We are a home to share God’s love and grace.
The Welcoming Committee, David Geffert, Anna Marie Freeman, Audrey Anderson, Sharon Odden, Ellie Thompson and Avis Peterson.