Pastor Brian and Bekkah will be on vacation from July 8th-21st. We are very appreciative of this opportunity to spend some special time away with our girls. Many thanks to Pastor John Schaumburg and Sharon Odden for leading worship, and to Pat Gappa, Sharon Hoffer, Arlene Jacobson & Carol Savoie for staffing the office, in our absence. Please take note of the following adjustments while we are gone:

Contact Pastor John Schaumburg for Pastoral Care/Emergencies.

Prayer Team/List: Please continue to contact Carol Savoie.The deadline for notifications to get printed on the Sunday list is Wednesday at 8pm.

E-Blast Announcements: Please email Sara Oliveira directly for any announcements you would like included in the weekly Thursday E-Blast. Please send your request by 3pm on Wednesday and write “e-blast” in the subject line.