Our custodial service has resigned. The property committee, lead by Terry Kahl, is working on a job description and reviewing our options. One option is to choose another custodial service and the other is to hire a member to do the work. The council will decide at the August council meeting.
In the mean time we welcome members to do one part of the custodial work: vacuuming carpets, especially in the office area; cleaning the restrooms; emptying the waste baskets, etc. If you can give an hour or so during the week, please contact Terry at 480-898-9196.
We need volunteers to help count the Sunday morning offering. Our practice is to always have two people counting. One person does most of the counting, the second person primarily observes. In other words, anyone can help with counting. Please call Bill Gappa for more information or to volunteer. (480-231-9860)
We also need ushers and other helpers on Sunday morning.
Please call Karen Vidot to volunteer. (480-859-3799)